
Individual travelling (with a guide, of course) is common, but comes at a higher tariff rate. Individual tourists and couples are subject to FIT (foreign independent travelers) surcharge, over and above the daily rate.

The surcharge is US$ 40 per night for one person and US$ 30 per person per night for a group of two people.

The 10% agency commission payable to agents abroad shall not be deductible from the surcharge.

Tourist Discounts

There is no charge for children up to the age of five years. However, those between the ages of 6-12 years accompanied by elders/guardians shall be given 50% discount on daily rates and 100% discount on Royalty.

Full time students under the age of 25 must produce valid identity cards from their academic institutions to be eligible for a 25% discount on daily rates.

A discount of 50% on daily rates is given to one person in a group of 11 to 15 people.

100% discount is given to one member in a group exceeding 16 persons.